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Oh Allah, where is the government?

By Muyiwa Adetiba “They came in numbers, wielding dangerous weapons. I heard my late husband reciting prayers from the Qur’an. They shot and killed him….in our presence. Oh Allah!!! Where is the government? Who will take care of our numerous children? Is this how the government will allow these bandits to be killing us? Oh…

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She’s on the frontline of a rape epidemic. The pandemic has made her work more dangerous By Bukola Adebayo, CNN

Editors Note: CNN is committed to covering gender inequality wherever it occurs in the world. This story is part of As Equals, an ongoing series. Lagos, Nigeria -- At the start of each day, Dr. Anita Kemi DaSilva-Ibru and her team put on gloves, facemasks and other personal protective equipment to see their patients.They're not treating…

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With 258m widows worldwide, Nigeria needs to stop social stigmas that create exclusion, and discriminatory or harmful practices on hers

By Ms Hauwa E. Shekarau, Founder/Executive Director, Women, Law and Development Initiative (WOLDI) The 23rd day of June every year has been set aside by the United Nations, by virtue of Resolution A/RES/65/189, as “International Widows Day” to draw attention to the voices and experiences of widows and to galvanise the unique support that they need.…

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Edward Colston, History Wars and the Legacies of Slave Owners In Nigeria, By Abdulbasit Kassim

Should our society continue to honour the legacies of slaveowners and those who played active roles in the trans-Atlantic and trans-Saharan slave trade? Should our society continue to name monuments, schools, streets, stadiums, and other landmarks after them, even though we are all aware of their dark legacies?… This is about historical accountability and the…

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